Nakashima Golf
Nakashima Golf Driver Fitting “+15yards Guaranteed!“
When tested at Nakashima Golf Driver Fitting Sessions, over 95% of golfers hit their own driver 15 or more yards shorter than what could be possible for their club head speed.
Why?! There are 2 main reasons for this huge inefficiency in nearly all golfers...
- Nearly all golfers Drivers do not fit them properly
- Golfers do not know what is necessary to achieve maximum distance efficiency or how to do it
At Nakashima Golf Studios your Driver will be fit absolutely perfectly. We have an 90-Day unlimited re-fitting on any Driver, Fairway or Utility purchase to guarantee your total satisfaction.
Their are 3 factors for a golfer to hit a ball with maximum efficiency (as it relates to distance) Ball Speed, Launch Angle and Ball Spin. At Nakashima Golf Studios we have an entire system built to educate you and get you to your perfect numbers, quickly and easily!
All golfers increase their driving distance when perfectly fit with a new Nakashima Golf Driver! Most gain 15+ yards! When I say all golfers, this includes everything from professionals & top ranked amateurs to duffers & hackers and everything in between!
Special! Nakashima Golf 90-minute Driver Fitting Session only $100 with purchase of Driver (Reg $150)
Note: Fitting Session Fee is in addition to the cost of a Nakashima Driver
To book an appointment or for more information please call ...
Nakashima Golf Studio Stockton 209-464-1655
Nakashima Golf Studio Palm Desert 209-623-5852
"+15 yards and you will love the session! I guarantee it or you pay nothing!”
John Nakashima, President
Nakashima Golf Studio Stockton, CA, USA
Ntec 2.85 Ti
"Quality you can Feel!"