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The Htec Ti Fairway Metal may be the easiest to hit, longest fairway metal ever made. This is accomplished by combining an all titanium body, ultra-thin titanium face and 60g tungsten weight. The ultra thin super hot titanium face has a maximum .83 COR which creates maximum potential ball speeds. The 60g tungsten weight lowers the cg producing long high flying shots from any lies.
As with all Nakashima Htec and Ntec Fairway Metals every aspect can be customized to your exact needs.  Loft, Face Angle, Shaft, Shaft Weight, Shaft Frequency, Club Length, Swing Weight, Gross Weight, Grip Style, Grip Size, Internal Head Weighting (Draw or Fade Bias) and Sound!
Make an appointment to get custom fit for a Htec Ti Fairway Metal at a Certified Nakashima Golf Studio near you!