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Ntec 2.85 Driver 

Ntec 2.85 Driver 

Ntec 2.85


The Ntec 2.85 Driver represents Nakashima's 5th Generation 'Adjustable Driver with Removable Head and Shaft Technology'.

Unlike other golf companies, Nakashima Golf only comes out with a new model when it can outperform all other models.

After many years of R&D, we are proud to introduce the Nakashima Ntec 2.85 Driver. This driver has out performed every driver we have ever tested in terms of distance, forgiveness and feel.

What separates the Ntec 2.85 is the size of it's huge sweet-spot which is as much as 50% larger than other drivers we have tested!

This was made possible by sparing no expense, combining the highest quality titanium and all known hi-end driver manufacturing technologies; CNC Milled Face with Variable Face Thickness Technology, Cup-Face Technology and Plasma Welding.

You will be amazed how far your "misses" will be with your perfectly fit Nakashima Ntec 2.85 Driver!

Make an appointment to get custom fit for a Nakashima Ntec 2.85 Driver at a Certified Nakashima Golf Studio near you!

All lofts of the Ntec 2.85 Driver conform with U.S.G.A. Rules.
